I intend to have a list of the Top 10 Best and Worst for pretty much whatever I feel like. The first one that I'm doing is the Top 10 Best Video Games from the last 20 years. I could do from All Time, but I think that would have to be extended beyond 10. Maybe when I've gotten a little better at this, I'll attempt such a list.The other reason I decided to go with the last 20 years is because...to be honest, I've only recently gotten back into gaming. Kinda sad, I know.
This blog will also serve as my reviews for movies or video games once I've watched them or played them...or they've been announced.
All you really need to know about me is that I'm graduating from High school this year, I enjoy reading, video games, anime, and music, and I don't have much of a life. My life consists of a few friends, my cat, and my books. Sad, I know.
On to the list!
10. Rome: Total War (PC) - Probably the best Strategic Turn Based game in a while. The fact that it is based on the historical Roman Empire makes for an interesting idea. The fact that you can fight Carthage - Rome's greatest enemy, is kinda awesome. It has quotes from various historical Romans on each loading screen, which I see as a kind of "food for thought" while you wait for the loading screen to load. What makes this game so great, and innovative, is the fact that it combines Real Time AND Turn Based Strategy, something I haven't seen very often. Playing as historic Roman Families has a certain appeal too. Overall, this game is great, and very innovative for it's time. Truly, it - and the other Total War games will continue to be as popular as they are.
9. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 (PS2, PSP) - I'm actually listing this one for two reasons. One, because of my friend Izzy. He enjoys this game series quite a bit, so it's certainly garnered my interest. The other reason, is that it's hailed as a pretty awesome RPG. And if you know me, you know I love RPG's. Most of you don't, but whatever. ANYWAY. In Persona 3 you play as a High school kid and you join this special group who goes around when everyone else is asleep (sounds like a suck-y job to me) and you fight Demons. The whole Persona thing comes into play when each character summons a Persona (to I guess fight for you or to have some kind of effect) WHICH YOU SUMMON BY SHOOTING YOURSELF IN THE HEAD. Ahem. The theme of Death is pretty heavy in Persona 3, I must say. It's been described to me as RPG ("Go kill some monsters in this dungeon") meets Dating Sim ("Wanna go back to my place?"). Sounds like loads of fun. Game play is mostly Role playing and Simulation.
4. Devil May Cry Series (PC, Xbox360, PS2, PS3) - Developed by Capcom, this hack and slash game series was born as a spiritual sibling of Resident Evil. In this particular series, you play as Dante (and in DmC 4, Nero) who happens to be half demon, fighting other demons. Dante's characterization is probably what makes this game series so popular, and as a Dante Fangirl, I can agree with this statement. The game centers around Dante's desire for revenge for his Mother's murder which COULD be considered a freaky Oedipus Complex to some. It also so happens that Dante has a brother, Vergil (I like the fact that they're all named after Roman or Italian historical figures....my history loving heart was stolen pretty quickly), who has renounced his human parentage and makes Dante reaalllllyyyyyy angry. Throughout the games Dante is a gun/sword for hire, killing other demons mostly because he gets payed (it's pretty implied - to me - that he's looking for whoever was responsible for Mommy-dearests' death). Dante's devil may care (aha did you see what I did there? I'm a genius!) attitude is a big reason he's so popular, and by extension, the games. In the game play department, it's pretty unique in that you're "graded" on your performance in battle and how many combo's you can manage to pull off.... which can be hard if you don't have very good hand-eye coordination - like me.
1. Final Fantasy VII (PS, PC, PS3) - Now, I know the lot of you are probably collectively groaning from the fact that I've listed this game. But before you go away, please hear me out. I AM a little biased, but not because I'm blinded by it being "the best RPG EVAHHH". I was RAISED on this game. Literally. My mom would play it for hours and I would watch her. I can't tell you how often I've watched Aerith die (and if you didn't know, WHAT ROCK DID YOU LIVE UNDER?), Cloud give Sephiroth the Black Materia, etc, etc. The Turn based system - while it may be illogical - is what I know best. What makes this game - in my opinion - the best game in the last 20 years is the story, and the fact that without this game, RPG's wouldn't have gained popularity in the U.S. and I don't think so many U.S. Citizens would be playing Final Fantasy in general without it's introduction. But back to the story.... it's really convoluted and confusing and hard to explain if you haven't played the game. The gist of it is that the Super Evil Corporation Shin-Ra is literally sucking the life out of the planet and you (Cloud) start working for an Anti-Shin-Ra group called AVALANCHE to save the planet....but then Aerith, an Ancient, gets involved and then Sephiroth starts plotting to destroy the world for mommy (AKA Jenova), and then you become the Resistance. That's... about it. In a nutshell anyway. The story is incredibly engaging and you'll spend several sleepless nights trying to beat it. Anyway, there's a bunch of sub-plots and a ba-million details that I haven't explained but the best thing to do is to JUST PLAY IT. What does annoy me about this game isn't the actual game itself. It's the over popularity and the thousands of Fans who claim to love FFVII and have never played it. They've watched the movie, played the prequel and the sequel... but they haven't actually played this game. I know it's kind of expensive to buy, but if you're a real "Fan" you'll save every penny and buy it. I generally separate this game from the rest of the FFVII series when I'm playing it, and it's still ridiculously fun.
That's the list! At least, the first one. Next time I'll have a new list and probably rant a little about life, so please return to me. ;) If you have any opinions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment, I won't bite your head off. Ta-ta!
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